Living life in the slow lane (metaphorically and literally)

So it’s really hard to blog I have learned… Maybe it will get easier but every time I think about writing something, I just don’t do it. Some of it is out of annoyance and laziness and some of it comes from fear that I’m not good enough. But today I feel compelled to write … More Living life in the slow lane (metaphorically and literally)

Shifty Work Rant

In 2008 I made the arduous travel from Nanaimo Vancouver Island to what I considered then, with my 17 year old brain, the “big apple.” I would love to tell you all about the ferry ride however at that point in my life, I had spent the last few days detoxing off drugs and that … More Shifty Work Rant

The “Housing First” approach to homelessness – WTF

So I have been working with a marginalized population (mostly the Downtown East Side (DTES), and individuals with developmental disabilities) for about 4-5 years now. It’s certainly not as much as some but it is definitely enough to get a good idea of whats going on. Reminder…These are just my opinions that I base on … More The “Housing First” approach to homelessness – WTF